A huge mountain expanse in the heart of Montenegro that stretches almost 50 km between Kolasin and Zabljak. The most interesting tours can be made in the eastern part of the masiff above Lipovo valley with peaks of Bablji zub, Gradiste and Jablanov Vrh.Farher to the west, Sinjajevina is flatter and turns into a plateau at an altitude of about 1600 m., which makes it ideal for mountain biking or long hiking tours. Sinjajevina is also suitable for day tours because of its proximity to the main road that links the south and north. Crossing Sinjajevina in winter time on skis or snowshoes presenst a unique and ultimate experience! Feel that experince with us!
P.S. If you are aproaching to Sinjajevina through Lipovo or Štitarica valley, you MUST taste special type of cheese produced only here - lisnati sir! Sinjajevina
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